The Law Offices of Richard C. Bell
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How to Avoid Pedestrian Accidents in New York City

NYC Taxi Cab AccidentsBased upon the many cases I have brought against taxi cab drivers, car service drivers, truck drivers and passenger vehicle drivers, coupled with my own observation on the streets of New York, I can confidently say that you should remain alert at all times when you are a pedestrian in New York City.

Added to the sometimes reckless, hurried taxi drivers are distracted pedestrians on their smart phones, inexperienced bicyclists in and out of the new bike lanes and truck drivers and passenger vehicle drivers texting/talking on their devices while navigating the chaos known as New York City traffic.  When you put all of those elements together, the risk of collision between vehicles and pedestrians is growing daily.

Your best safeguards as a pedestrian in New York City are the following:

1. Never stand in the new bike lanes – the area between the curb and the new parking lanes which are about a car width into the street;

2.  Do not text or talk on your phone while crossing – it distracts you from awareness of reckless taxis, trucks, bikes, motorcycles and cars;

3.  Pay attention at all times when crossing at the crosswalk and do not jaywalk – bikes, especially delivery/messenger bikes, often go in the opposite direction of traffic so look both ways even on one way streets at all times when crossing.

Unfortunately, not all pedestrian accidents can be avoided even by careful walkers.  Often the vehicle that strikes you comes fast and without warning.  Such negligent drivers must be held responsible for their careless actions which may result in very serious injuries to pedestrians.

If you have been the victim of a pedestrian accident, you may be entitled to money damages for your pain and suffering, lost wages and medical bills.  To find out more about pedestrian accident cases, please call me toll free at : (877) CALL-LAW® (225-5529) or (212) 714-0988.

Construction worker sues after fall at new Staten Island courthouse

14039206-mmmainAttorney Richard C. Bell recently mentioned and interviewed in the Staten Island Advance regarding a Staten Island construction accident case. Click here to read more.

* Prior results cannot and do not guarantee a similar outcome.

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